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		<h1 class="text-3xl lg:text-6xl text-center font-bold max-w-4xl" id="ihavq">Turn Your Startup Idea Into A
		  <span id="id0nv" class="text-green-600 ml-2">Profitable Venture</span>🚀
		<p id="ik9m1" class="text-xl lg:text-2xl text-center font-semibold max-w-4xl">Our rapid development service takes your startup idea to minimal
		  viable product (MVP) in weeks instead of months, at a flat monthly
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		  <a href="#" class="bg-green-600 text-white rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full lg:max-w-max h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Talk To An Expert</a>
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		  <a href="#" class="border-green-600 border-2 text-green-600 rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full lg:max-w-max h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Calculate My MVP Cost</a>
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		<h1 class="text-3xl lg:text-6xl capitalize font-bold mb-2 lg:mb-4">A Rapid Product Development Service for Aspiring Startup Founders
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		<p class="text-xl lg:text-2xl font-semibold w-full">Turning your idea to a working product can be scary. We solve that
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		<div class="bg-gradient-to-br from-green-600 to-green-600 text-white w-16 h-16 rounded mb-4 flex items-center justify-center text-4xl">
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		<h4 class="mb-2 font-semibold text-lg">Product consultation
		<p class="mb-2 text-lg">We help you decide how best to solve problems that your startup
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		<div class="bg-gradient-to-br from-green-600 to-green-600 text-white w-16 h-16 rounded mb-4 flex items-center justify-center text-4xl">
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		<h4 class="mb-2 font-semibold text-lg">Prototyping &amp; Design
		<p class="mb-2 text-lg">We believe that a great design is essential towards a great product
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		<h4 class="mb-2 font-semibold text-lg">MVP development
		<p class="mb-2 text-lg">We help translate the design into a working product for you to go to
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		  <div class="order-2 lg:order-1 lg:col-span-2 flex flex-col justify-center gap-4 lg:gap-8">
			<p class="text-2xl lg:text-4xl font-bold">Reduce Cost Of Building Your End Product
			<p class="text-xl lg:text-2xl">Our approach prevents you from overspending on unnecessary
			  functionalities for your product.
			<a href="#" class="border-gray-800 border-2 text-gray-800 rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full lg:max-w-max h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Calculate My MVP Cost</a>
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			<p class="text-2xl lg:text-4xl font-bold">Go To Market Faster Than Your Competitor
			<p class="text-xl lg:text-2xl">Our rapid prototyping approach allows us to build your ideas
			  fast. Save tens of thousands of dollars on building an in-house
			  team and spending months building your MVP.
			<a href="#" class="bg-green-600 text-white rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full lg:max-w-max h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Talk To An Expert</a>
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			<p class="text-2xl lg:text-4xl font-bold">Get Technical Advice For Your Startup
			<p class="text-xl lg:text-2xl">Our maintenance package takes the worry away of having to put
			  together an in house team to manage the product.
			<a href="#" class="border-gray-800 border-2 text-gray-800 rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full lg:max-w-max h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Calculate My MVP Cost</a>
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		<h1 class="text-3xl lg:text-6xl capitalize font-bold mb-2 lg:mb-4" id="ikjpiw">How it Works
	<div class="grid lg:grid-cols-3 gap-4">
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		<div class="border-2 rounded-md border-green-600 text-green-600 px-2 max-w-max font-bold mb-2 lg:mb-4">Step 1
		<h4 class="mb-2 font-semibold text-xl lg:text-2xl">Speak to our Expert
		<p class="mb-2 text-lg">We’ll decide what is the best way to build your MVP
	  <div class="rounded-lg p-8 flex flex-col bg-white shadow-xl">
		<div class="border-2 rounded-md border-green-600 text-green-600 px-2 max-w-max font-bold mb-2 lg:mb-4">Step 2
		<h4 class="mb-2 font-semibold text-xl lg:text-2xl">Receive Roadmap
		<p class="mb-2 text-lg">Understand how long it will take and how much you’ll need to invest
	  <div class="rounded-lg p-8 flex flex-col bg-white shadow-xl">
		<div class="border-2 rounded-md border-green-600 text-green-600 px-2 max-w-max font-bold mb-2 lg:mb-4">Step 3
		<h4 class="mb-2 font-semibold text-xl lg:text-2xl">Start Execute MVP
		<p class="mb-2 text-lg">Once agreed, we will onboard you to our project management tool and
		  off we go
	<div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row w-full items-center justify-center mt-8">
	  <a id="iqr25n" href="#" class="bg-green-600 text-white rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full lg:max-w-max h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Talk To An Expert</a>
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	  <a href="#" class="border-gray-800 border-2 text-gray-800 rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full lg:max-w-max h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Calculate My MVP Cost</a>
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		<h1 class="text-3xl lg:text-6xl capitalize font-bold mb-2 lg:mb-4">Frequently Asked Questions
	  <div class="flex items-center">
		<p class="text-xl lg:text-2xl font-semibold w-full">We're sure you have questions, that's exactly why we've laid out all
		  the answers for you here.
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	  <div id="i0yeej" x-data="{ isOpen: true }" class="rounded-lg shadow-xl p-8 gap-8 flex flex-col">
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		  <p class="text-lg font-semibold flex-grow">Who is SenangStart for?
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		<div x-show="isOpen" class="text-lg">SenangStart is perfect for Non-technical aspiring startup founders
		  who are looking for a rapid development service that can help them
		  build their Minimum Viable Product without having to go through the
		  hassle of assembling an internal team. It’s like having a
		  development team in your backpocket.
	  <div x-data="{ isOpen: false }" class="rounded-lg shadow-xl p-8 gap-8 flex flex-col">
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		  <p class="text-lg font-semibold flex-grow">What is unique about SenangStart?
		  <div id="in8z11" x-on:click="isOpen = !isOpen" class="min-w-8 min-h-8 rounded bg-gray-100 flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer">
			<i :class="isOpen ? 'fa-chevron-up' : 'fa-chevron-down'" class="fas">
		<div x-show="isOpen" class="text-lg">Unlike most traditional software development agency, SenangStart
		  deoesnt take charge a huge project fee and equity in exchange to
		  build on your ideas. Our flexible monthly subscription package
		  ensures that you keep your cost lean while having a product that you
		  can go to market with or raise more funds for your startup.
	  <div x-data="{ isOpen: false }" class="rounded-lg shadow-xl p-8 gap-8 flex flex-col">
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		  <p class="text-lg font-semibold flex-grow">What sort of MVPs can be built by SenangStart?
		  <div x-on:click="isOpen = !isOpen" class="min-w-8 min-h-8 rounded bg-gray-100 flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer">
			<i id="ieq38r" :class="isOpen ? 'fa-chevron-up' : 'fa-chevron-down'" class="fas">
		<div x-show="isOpen" class="text-lg">You name it, we can build it. Our solution ranges from Automation
		  Tools, CRMs, Saas, Mobile Applications, Landing Pages, Special
		  Calculator, Onboarding System, Learning Management System and to
		  name a few. We will suggest what is the best solution during the
		  consultation call with our expert.
	  <div x-data="{ isOpen: false }" class="rounded-lg shadow-xl p-8 gap-8 flex flex-col">
		<div class="flex gap-4 items-center justify-center">
		  <p class="text-lg font-semibold flex-grow">What are the packages available?
		  <div id="ipn6gd" x-on:click="isOpen = !isOpen" class="min-w-8 min-h-8 rounded bg-gray-100 flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer">
			<i :class="isOpen ? 'fa-chevron-up' : 'fa-chevron-down'" class="fas">
		<div x-show="isOpen" class="text-lg">We have two types of packages, namely Package A and Package B.
		  Package A suits for founders who already have a clue of what they
		  want to build together with the design direction. This is where we
		  act as a appointed developer ONLY for the product. Package B, on the
		  other hands, gives you a complete product support. We help you
		  figure the roadmap, features , and craft out the best user
		  experience for the product.
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		<h1 class="text-3xl lg:text-6xl capitalize font-bold mb-2 lg:mb-4">Our Packages
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		<p class="text-xl lg:text-2xl font-semibold w-full">Find which approach fit you
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		  <div class="bg-green-100 text-white w-16 h-16 rounded mb-4 flex items-center justify-center text-4xl">🚀
		  <h4 class="mb-2 font-bold text-xl">Basic Plan
		  <p class="mb-2 opacity-80 font-semibold">We allocate the basic resources needed for your project
		  <ul class="grid gap-2">
			<li>1x AI Fullstack Developer
			<li>1x Frontend Developer
			<li>1x Backend Developer
			<li>1x UI/UX Designer
			<li>1x Project Manager
		  <p class="text-lg lg:text-xl font-semibold text-center mt-6 mb-4">From $2,000/month
		  <a href="#" class="lg:mt-auto bg-green-600 text-white rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Talk To An Expert</a>
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		  <div class="bg-green-100 text-white w-16 h-16 rounded mb-4 flex items-center justify-center text-4xl">⚡️
		  <h4 class="mb-2 font-bold text-xl">Flash Plan
		  <p class="mb-2 opacity-80 font-semibold">We allocate more resources for your project
		  <ul class="grid gap-2">
			<li>2x AI Fullstack Developer
			<li>2x Frontend Developer
			<li>2x Backend Developer
			<li>2x UI/UX Designer
			<li>1x Project Manager
		  <p class="lg:mt-auto text-lg lg:text-xl font-semibold text-center mt-6 mb-4">From $3,750/month
		  <a href="#" class="bg-green-600 text-white rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Talk To An Expert</a>
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		  <div class="bg-green-100 text-white w-16 h-16 rounded mb-4 flex items-center justify-center text-4xl">🏢
		  <h4 class="mb-2 font-bold text-xl">Enterprise
		  <p class="mb-2 opacity-80 font-semibold">Looking to outsource your project ? look no more lets start the
			conversation now
		  <a href="#" class="lg:mt-auto bg-green-600 text-white rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Talk To An Expert</a>
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		  <h1 class="text-2xl lg:text-4xl capitalize font-semibold">Not Ready To Build A Product Yet?
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		  <p class="text-xl lg:text-2xl w-full">If you’re not ready to commit, how about get us to build you a
			proof-of-concept? So you can get early buy-ins for your idea...
		<a href="#" class="bg-green-600 text-white rounded-lg text-lg font-semibold px-6 w-full lg:max-w-max h-12 flex items-center justify-center hover:opacity-80">Show Me How</a>
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